Sunday, November 22, 2009

Quiet Sunday

Thanksgiving is coming fast, which means, time for turkey, stuffing, pies and family. I cannot believe it's almost Thanksgiving! This year has flown by so fast! It's seems like just yesterday that we celebrated Ronnie's first birthday, and now it's almost winter. Crazy.

Well, Ronnie is starting to say more words. Last night he was saying "boom!", because daddy was playing a game blowing stuff up. It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. He was so tired last night, because he had such a busy day playing. We never got home till 10:15, and we changed him and gave him a cup of milk. After he finished that, we put him in bed and he fell right to sleep.
*NOTICE* Wear your kids out by playing with them and they sleep soundly!

Chris is already off to work. I'm very proud of him. He must really like it, because it's the first job he's had where he has not woken up once and said he didn't want to go. Maybe being a mechanic is a good spot for him? We'll see where this goes from here on out.

Ronnie is awake now, so time to start another day!


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